Airport Transfer Taxi - AIRPORT LJUBLJANA 

Taxi Transfer Ljubljana Airport Brnik-Jože Pučnik Airport Slovenia

How to get cheap airport transfer taxi or low cost TAXI  from Airport Jože Pučnik?


Taxi Legende takes you from Ljubljana airport transfer anywhere to Ljubljana town for 25 eur or from Ljubljana city to  Airport Ljubljana Brnik for only 25€ (normal car) or 35€ with Van (1+8).


Call us on +386 31 732 289, or mail us on We will be gladly to answer you!!!

After reservation and confirming the transfer,at Ljubljana Airport when you exit the building, we will be waiting you with your Name , or call us on +386 31 732 289 and order transfer or send me sms....


When you order the transfer (Hotel, Hostel, privat place,..) in Ljubljana, we contact you, when the driver is on the adress. So you dont have to stand on cold, rain...!!!

We can allso arrange the transfer for very reasonable price from others EU citys and Airports (Wiena, Venice, Klagenfurt, Villach, Munich, Ronchi,MarcoPolo,Milano,Zagreb,…)


airport Ljubljana Taxi Transfer to Airport/Flughafen Klagenfurt/Celovec - Ljubljana airport Transfer Taxi to  Airport/Flughafen Salzburg - Brnik airport Taxi Transfer to Aiport/Flughafen Wien/Dunaj - airport Brnik Taxi Transfer to Airport/Flughafen Graz - airport Jože Pučnik Slovenia Taxi Transfer to  Airport/Aeroporto Marco Polo Venezia/Venice/Benetke - Jože Pučnik airport Taxi Transfer to Airport/Aeroporto Ronchi/Ronki Trieste/Trst - Aerodrom ljubljana Taxi Transfer to Airport/Aeroporto Treviso - Airport/Aeroporto Genova Taxi Transfer.....


LJUBLJANA Airport Transfer Taxi to Ljubljana centre - BRNIK Airport Transfer Taxi to Ljubljana city - LOW COST LJUBLJANA Airport Transfer Taxi to any hotel in Ljubljana centre fix 20 eur - CHEAP Airport Transfer Taxi from ljubljana airport to hostel in centre Ljubljana fix price 20 eur - Airport Transfer Taxi from Brnik aerodrom with Legend Taxi where you like - 





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In Legendicah we do not have the fine print on the luggage surcharge, the surcharge child seat does not work via receptor commission ..... What's happening on the ground is, you can be yourself braided her story, but the fact is that if you want an agreed price of transport ( 20 eur passenger car) from Ljubljana to Ljubljana Airport from any hotel or home address in the New York area to identify with your name in hand at the agreed place of collection .....








      In practice, the matter looks like this: Let's say that Order cheap transport in Congress Square in Ljubljana, ... come at 5 am to lift, and there stand three vehicles waiting for a random party .... Because you do not know which vehicle is waiting for you to accede to the first driver and ask him if it is from the Legend that you have ordered cheap transport to the airport? Almost every driver will say ... Good morning, go ahead, Legends I sent for you ..... nice ride out when you arrive at Ljubljana airport, but it can happen that the fare little more than € 20 The result is ...: Instead of a pleasant morning coffee at the Ljubljana airport you already have Sex god hair from anger ....


Unfortunately, we did this happen many times and on account of this, we started to practice, that driver must keep a mandatory Your name on a piece of paper ... the only way we can guarantee an agreed price, and the hair remains regulated, when you get on the plane .. ..




 Or maybe you need cheap transportation from the airport Ljubljana Airport towards Dolenjski region, such as:


 - Ljubljana airport shuttle to Grosuplje 35 eur - Ljubljana Airport transfer to Turjak, Velka Primary School - Ljubljana Airport transfer to Ivančna Gorica 45 eur - Ljubljana Airport transportation in Trebnje 55 eur - Ljubljana airport transportation to the new location 70 eur - Ljubljana airport transportation in plant 100 eur - Pučnik airport transportation to Brežice / Čateške Spa 100 eur - Pučnik airport shuttle to Ribnica 50 eur - Ljubljana airport transportation to Kočevja 65 eur - Ljubljana airport transportation to Gotenica 70 eur -


Ljubljana Airport Transfer Taxi low cost - Brnik Airport Transfer Taxi cheap travel - Slovenia Airport Transfer Taxi any wher in Slovenia





Or maybe you need a ride from the airport Ljubljana Airport towards Gorenjski region, such as:




 - Ljubljana airport shuttle to radovljica 35 eur - Ljubljana Airport transport on Jezersko EUR 30 - Ljubljana airport transfer to Bled 40 eur - Airport Ljubljana cheap transport to Bohinj 60 eur - Ljubljana airport favorable transport to Jesenice 50 eur - Ljubljana airport cheap transport to Kranjska Gora 60 eur - Airport Brnik perhaps the cheapest transport to Tržič, to Golnik, the forest Martuljka to Žirovnice, in Lesce In Podnart, Pokljuka, Predvor - Ljubljana Airport shuttle service to Klagenfurt via Ljubelj 70 eur


Airport Transfer Taxi from airport Ljubljana - Airport Transfer Taxi to Ljubljana airport - Airport Transfer Taxi from Aerodrom Ljubljana






Or maybe you need a favorable transport from the airport Ljubljana Airport towards the littoral region, such as:




 - Ljubljana Airport cheap transport to Vrhnika 35 eur - Ljubljana Airport transportation to Logatec 45 eur - Ljubljana Airport may be the cheapest transportation to Postojna 60 eur - Ljubljana Airport transfer to Pivka 70 eur - Ljubljana Airport shuttle service to the Illyrian Bistrica 80 eur - Ljubljana Airport transfer to Sežana 80 eur - Aderodrom transport to Ljubljana Koper 90 eur - Ljubljana Airport transfer to Izola 100 eur - Ljubljana Airport transfer to Piran 110 eur - Ljubljana Airport transfer to Portoroz 110 eur - Ljubljana Airport transfer to Ajdovščine 70 eur - Brnik Airport transfer to Vipave 65 eur - Brnik Airport transfer to Vrtojba 90 eur - Ljubljana airport transportation to Nova Gorica € 90 -


Jože Pučnik Airport Transfer Taxi - Airport Transfer Taxi from Pučnik airport - Airport Transfer Taxi to Jože Pučnik airport - 




Or maybe you need cheap transfer transport from the airport Ljubljana Airport towards the Styrian region, such as:




 - Airport Pučnik transport in Žalec 50 eur - Airport Pučnik transport to Celja60 eur - Pučnik Airport taxi transfer to Velenje 55 eur - Airport Pučnik transfer to Slovenj Gradec 80 eur - Slovenia Pučnik Airport transfer shuttle service to Dravograda 90 eur - Airport Jože Pučnik transfer carriage in Ravne 95 eur - Airport Pučnik transport in the Slovenian Koromandija 70 eur - Ljubljana airport shuttle service to the Slovenian Bistrica 80 eur - Ljubljana airport transportation to Maribor € 90 - Ljubljana airport transportation to the airport Maribor 80 eur - Ljubljana airport transportation to Ptuj 100 eur - Ljubljana airport transportation in Ormož 120 eur - Ljubljana Airport transfer to Rogašče Slatina 80 eur - Ljubljana airport transportation in Rogatec 90 eur - Ljubljana Airport transfer to Murska Sobota 130 eur - Ljubljana airport shuttle service to the town of Lendava 140 eur - Brnik Airport transfer to Šentilj 110 EUR


Travel low cost from ljubljana airport Airport Transfer Taxi - Airport Transfer Taxi travel to Italy - Airport Transfer Taxi with legend company




  Do you Need cheap transportation from Ljubljana to Italy Treviso Airport - cheap transfer to the airport in Treviso??




TRANSFER Treviso - Price cheap transportation from Ljubljana personal car or van up to 8 people at the airport in Treviso, Italy 180 EUR!




I need - I'm looking for - I need - Offer - Cheap - Transfer - Transportation to Airport Venice Marco Polo Venice?




TRANSFER OF VENICE - Price cheap transportation from Ljubljana personal car or van up to 8 people at the airport Venice Marco Polo Venezia is 180 euros - if you go on a day trip to Venice, the price of the return journey of 250 Euros!


I need - I need - I am looking for - We - Cheap Transportation to Airport Ronchi Legionari of Trieste, Trieste Ronchi airport??




TRANSFER RONCHI - Price cheap transportation from Ljubljana personal car or van up to 8 people at the airport RONCA Part Legionari Trieste / Trieste Ronchi airport is 90 Euros!


I need - I need - Search - Offer - Cheap Transportation to Airport Vienna / Wien, might go in živaslki garden on a trip???




TRANSFER VIENNA - Price cheap transportation from Ljubljana personal car or van up to 8 people at the airport of Vienna / Wien is 280 euros if you go on a day excursion to Vienna, the price of the return journey of 350 Euros!




I need - I need - Search - Offer - Cheap shuttle to the airport Klagenfurt Airport Klagenfurt Austria?




TRANSFER Klagenfurt - Price cheap transportation from Ljubljana personal car or van up to 8 people at the airport Klagenfurt Klagenfurt is 70 eur via Ljubelj through the tunnel Karavanke Jesenice canâ € 100!


Do you need cheap transportation from Ljubljana Airport to Salzburg Austria?? Inexpensive transfer to Salzburg Airport??




Transfer Transport Salzburg - Transfer from Ljubljana personal car or van up to 8 people at the airport Salzburg Austria is 240 EUR!




I need - I'm looking for - I need - cheap transportation from Ljubljana to Zagreb Pleso Airport??




Transportation Transfer Zagreb Pleso air port - the price of transportation from Ljubljana to Zagreb Pleso airport - price € 110




Transport from Ljubljana Airport is 20 eur-price passenger car 30 eur van vehicle up to 8 people, in the opposite direction from the Airport Brnik Ljubljana, Ljubljana Your desired to find in any hotel in Ljubljana ... price is the same. 30 .. van eur 20 eur a car ...!!




 Why do we recommend?




We truly affordable price, since the price per linear kilometer of transport only 0,70 EUR, if you need a larger vehicle up to 8 people is the price of EUR 1 per kilometer




We do not charge by the hotel if you need a child seat by allowing free baggage at no charge LEGENDICAH, we try to speak English ... the only requirement is to subscribe legends because they do not stand at the airport




Unfortunately, Brnik Airport Ljubljana fairly small and the big problem of parking, so we ask that when you exit the baggage at airports Brnik order a mandatory call us on Tel: , and you within one minute pick up, at the same time you say which car comes after you, because you only in this way can we guarantee an agreed price of 20 euros!


+386 31732289




February 10, 2025

Službeni taxi prevoz na Dunaj July-15-2014
Pozdravljeni   Recimo,da imate službeno pot na Dunaj,morda sestanek ali kongres v Munchenu, ki se začne ob 10 uri dopoldne do 16 ure popoldne....povratna avionska karta pri Adriji na osebo je trenutno v Sloveniji res en bavbav ( 200 - 300 eur ), pa polepšajmo ta bavbav , recimo da je samo 100 eur na osebo...Vaša skupina 6-7-oseb bo zapravila po trenutni ceni bavbav 600-700 eur samo za avionsko karto! Ob prihodu letala potrebujete potem še taxi prevoz do Vašega kongresa....po končanem sestanku ali kongresu zopet potrebujete prevoz do letališča,in če nimate sreče,morate še počakati na odhod letala 3-4-ure,odvisno od povezave na Vašo željeno destinacijo...inv tem primeru ste že zapravili ccc 700 eur

Ljubljana airport landing - Welcome January-18-2014
  When visiting Slovenia by  plane, you will land on Slovenia´s main international airport - Ljubljana or in Slovenian aerodrom Jožeta Pučnika Brnik. If you don´t have arranged transfer to your destination, there are a few options available. The quickest is to take taxi stationed right in front of the exit from airport building. Of course like everywhere on the world this way of traveling is the most costly. That taxi to the capitol Ljubljana, which is some 25 km away will cost you some 40 eur.Much cheaper are low cost taxi companies like Taksi Legende which both offer fixed price 20 eur to Ljubljana city. Problem is just you need to prebook them otherwise you will wait some 20 minutes on your cab, which is not something you want after a

an image
Taksi Legende - D.š. 95353330 prevoz oseb na letališče Ljubljana
prevoz do letališča - prevoz iz letališča


+386 31 732 289

©Indijancev je veliko,Poglavarjev je malo,Legende so pa redke....Taxi - Legende